Kerry Shine on Toowoomba bench


Kerry Shine was born in Toowoomba, the fifth child of Haden State School Teacher Dan and wife Irene Shine. Sadly Irene died within a few days of his birth but he was fortunate to be brought up by his dad’s sister Mary, principally at the Shine family farming property “Lucerne Park” at Fernvale. The property has been in the family since 1875.

As a part owner of the property Kerry keeps a close eye on primary industry developments and is acutely aware of both the benefits and challenges in the lives of residents in the vast rural areas of Toowoomba Regional Council.

His recent, so far successful advocacy for a Ward system of Council representation, with the realistic aim of providing at least two “Country“ representatives on Council, is a prime example of his care for those living outside the Toowoomba-Highfields area as well as his understanding of the vital role agricultural and pastoral pursuits play in the economic makeup of this Region.

Kerry has three children and three young grandchildren. He is well aware of the financial pressures families are facing currently.


Apart from an early stint at Our Lady of Mt Carmel convent at Coorparoo, Kerry looks back fondly on the years when he rode a pony to attend the small one-teacher primary school at Wivenhoe Pocket. His secondary education was received at Villanova College, Coorparoo.

Thereafter he obtained his Law degree at the University of Queensland, attending at night having obtained his 5 years Articles of Clerkship with a Brisbane Law firm.

Sporting Involvement

Since his return to Toowoomba in 1976, Kerry has been keenly involved in sport, principally cricket and rugby. His determination to limit the extension of fast food outlets, particularly near schools, mirrors his concern for the health of our Region’s populace and throughout his working life the importance of participation in sport has been well and truly demonstrated. Some examples are: ​

  • Past President, Chair and Life Member Toowoomba Cricket Association.

  • Former Honorary Solicitor to the Queensland Country Cricket Association.

  • Current Patron Grey Cavaliers Cricket Club

  • Past Secretary Rangers Rugby Union Club

  • Past member All Whites Rugby League Club

  • Past Patron of Willowburn Football Club

  • Member Brisbane Racing Club and former member Toowoomba Turf Club.

  • During his years as a local Lawyer he served many sporting and community clubs as Honorary Solicitor.

  • In 2020 Kerry was awarded the Australian Sports Medal for his contribution to cricket.

Community Involvement

Active participation in a wide range of community benefit endeavours has been a hallmark of Kerry Shine’s life in our Toowoomba Region.

This has included time as a Committee Member and Vice-President of the Royal Agricultural Society of Queensland (Toowoomba Show Society), Life Member and Patron of the Harlaxton Neighbourhood Centre, Patron of DownsSteam Tourist Railway and Museum, and Life Member Milne Bay Military Museum.​

He has served on the University of Southern Queensland Council and regularly attends the meetings of the Toowoomba Historical Society and is a member of the Downs & South West Queensland Law Association.

Professional Activity

Kerry Shine LL.B was admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland in March 1972 after completing 5 years Articles of Clerkship with the then Brisbane firm Trout Bernays & Tingle (now Clayton Utz).

He set up Practice on his own account in Toowoomba on 1 April 1976. He proved to be successful in business, receiving great support from the Toowoomba and Region communities.

When he sold his interest in his firm in 1998, it was arguably the largest practice outside Brisbane in Queensland. His old firm, now known as Shine Lawyers, is nationwide.

Political Activity

An avid interest in politics was developed in Kerry from an early age. He attended his first political rally in the lead up to the 1963 Federal election at the Festival Hall Brisbane where the mastery of the then Prime Minister Bob Menzies entertained the crowd of thousands… if not before, Kerry was, from that time hooked on politics for life.

Two unswerving commitments, one to opposing communism and the other to the attainment of social justice saw Kerry not surprisingly join the QLP-DLP at the age of 14.  His first active participation was at the 1964 Half Senate election when his teenage political idol former popular Labour Premier Vince Gair was elected to the Senate.

​He remained an active member until it’s demise around 1976. This coincided with the commencement of his practice in Toowoomba and his focus then was on his clients and sport, believing business and politics do not mix well.

Parliamentary and Government Service

Kerry Shine served 4 terms (2001-2012) as MP for Toowoomba North in the Queensland State Parliament.  During his second term he was elected Chair of the Parliamentary Labor Caucus and soon after he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary (Assistant Minister) to the Minister for Communities and Disability Services.

Upon being Re-elected with an increased majority at the 2006 election, he was sworn in as Minister for Natural Resources and Water but within two months was appointed Minister for Justice and Attorney-General in the Beattie Government. His role included advising the Premier on issues affecting Western Queensland.

Subsequently he Chaired the Integrity, Ethics and Parlimentary Privileges Committee and the Industry, Education, Training and Industrial Relations Committee.

Some examples of Toowoomba Achievements

Kerry Shine played a most important role whilst in Cabinet (especially as Water Minister) in the decision to fund the Wivenhoe pipeline. The existence of this resource assures Toowoomba’s water security for decades.

As the MP for Toowoomba North Kerry Shine advocated successfully for our City and Region. Some examples in the City included a new Police Station in Hume St and Police Headquarters in Neil St, new Fire Station in Kitchener St, the upgrading of the New England Highway at intersections in north Toowoomba, funding for numerous State and non-State School buildings, expansion of TAFE and Hospital facilities and a Child Care Centre at Fairview Heights.


As the local MP Kerry was responsible to see that the fast growing district of Highfields was properly serviced with State Government assets.

Competition for Government funding in an expanding State was always fierce but during his time as the local member he was able to ensure provision of a reliable energy source with the construction of electricity sub-stations, a police presence (initially a Police Beat), a Fire station, an Ambulance station, funding for new building work at Highfields State School, funding for new facilities at Toowoomba Christian College, successfully lobbying for approval and funding for Mary McKillop primary school, upgrading of the New England Highway including the provision of traffic lights at Murphy’s Creek Rd, Cawdor Rd and Highfields Rd.

During his term, after a decade of advocacy, he was successful in the Government purchasing the land for Highfields Secondary College and obtaining a commitment to build it.

As Attorney-General

Having had extensive experience as a practising lawyer, Kerry Shine was keen to see the numerous and varied Tribunals which operated in Queensland, formed into one entity. Other States had proceeded successfully in this manner and it had been the desire of a number of his predecessors as Attorney to take this step. However, Cabinet thus far had not been convinced of the necessity to create such a body.

Kerry was able to persuade Cabinet of the benefits of an unified structure and the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal became a reality. It has demonstrated it’s worth to the people of Queensland as being an efficient and cost-effective pillar in the administration of justice in the State.

As Queensland’s First Law Officer Kerry Shine was responsible for the extensive review and updating of the criminal code, majority verdicts in criminal cases and judge alone trials where appropriate. He was responsible for introducing worthwhile compensation for victims of crime. He put into practice his belief that a Government’s first duty is to protect its' citizens.

On Council

The current term has been Kerry’s first and in his formal role he has served as Lead of the Finance and Business Strategy Portfolio with now Mayor Geoff McDonald as Chair.

Despite very challenging times, particularly with COVID and its economic flow-ons, the Council’s financial position has been described by the State overseeing body, Queensland Treasury, as sound.

There are many worthwhile, but costly, projects which Toowoomba ought have, for example a Convention Centre, new Art Gallery, Charlton Sports Precinct, Bridge St Quarry Gardens, Parklands development and numerous instances of improved and new community assets needed in the towns and villages of our Region. Most, if not all, will require funding from other levels of Government. 

In the meantime, first and foremost, Kerry believes that provision of responsible budgeting is essential in enabling Council to meet its responsibility with respect to “Roads, Rates and Rubbish” and of course in our case, Water.